The chemical industry plays a critical role in the modern economy, providing safe and sustainable materials to a variety of sectors across the U.S. and globally.
To support and enhance this important economic role and meet future stakeholder and customer needs, it is vital that we have a robust, diverse and well-trained workforce. However, like many industries, the chemical industry faces workforce development challenges, from bridging generational knowledge gaps to enhancing diversity — and thereby innovation — at all levels.
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) works closely with ACC members and supply chain partners to support workforce needs, including educational initiatives like ACC’s Responsible Care® and Sustainability Future Leaders program, the Advancing Diversity in Emerging Leaders program and the Advocacy Leadership Academy, which engage and educate industry employees through workshops, webinars and in-person networking and training.
In addition to ACC programs and individual company initiatives, the chemical industry has come together to make a major impact on the future workforce by enabling access to higher education in industry-preferred science, technology, engineering and math fields.
The Future of STEM Scholars Initiative, or FOSSI, was launched in 2020 by ACC, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Chemours Company and the HBCU Week Foundation. FOSSI provides $40,000 scholarships to students pursuing preferred STEM degrees at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
FOSSI isn’t just a scholarship program. Students also gain real-life skills, leadership training, mentorship and internship opportunities.
FOSSI has a meaningful impact by:
Increasing access to STEM education. FOSSI aims to increase access to STEM education by helping to eliminate financial barriers to higher education for high school students.
Supporting matriculation and access to industry careers. FOSSI scholars are provided mentors and opportunities for internships at more than 80 sponsoring organizations, helping students navigate their college experience successfully and understand potential industry careers. To date, FOSSI has an almost 95% scholar retention rate — an incredible achievement.
Enhancing diversity in the chemical industry workforce and beyond. By cultivating a more diverse pipeline of talent, FOSSI contributes to individual and industry goals to enhance employee diversity. Since 2022, more than 50% of FOSSI scholarships have been awarded to women.
With immense support from companies across the nation, to date FOSSI has raised nearly $40 million from over 80 chemical and affiliated industry sponsors to support over 800 scholarships.
FOSSI was also recently honored with the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities Chairman’s Award during the 2024 National HBCU Week Conference.
The FOSSI application is now open and is available until January 31, 2025.
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