Every morning while I am getting ready for work, I think about the day I am going to have. I go through the things I need to get done, the conversations I have to have and the meetings I need to prepare for. And then I think about how awesome my day is going to be. Even if it’s jam packed and I am dealing with stressful issues, I imagine myself handling it all with ease and accomplishment. I tell myself I am going to have a successful day no matter what comes my way. I mentally express gratitude for all the things in my life, including the challenges because they make me stronger. Then I put a smile on my face.
I do this even when I wake up feeling grumpy, tired, overwhelmed and generally like I would rather stay in bed and read all day. I refuse to have a bad attitude.
Attitude is a choice. And I choose to have a good one. Why? Because it feels good to feel good. Because I can get more done when I see the positive in any situation. Because people want to be around me when I am in a good mood. Life seems easier when I’m in a good mood; I am able to get more done. Plus, what fun is it to walk around grumpy, angry, resentful and being the victim?
Sure, life happens and things transpire that are out of your control. But you know what isn’t out of your control? How you react to what life throws at you. How you respond to the stressors in your daily existence. How you treat those closest to you. The one thing you have complete control over in life is your attitude. Now that is powerful.
It’s easy to allow yourself to become the victim of your circumstance and blame other people (or the government, the weather, the school system, etc.) for your hurt feelings, bad mood, stressful situation and negative outlook on life. But it’s a copout. You give up your power when you succumb to the problems (whether big or small) life throws at you. You can take that power back by simply choosing to view it differently and then responding accordingly.
- Instead of getting irritated when that driver cuts you off, smile and wish him a safe journey.
- Instead of angrily blaming your boss when you get overlooked for a promotion, ask for feedback on why, and then work to improve your skills, attitude, work habits, etc.
- Instead of grumpily blowing off your co-workers when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, tell them you are having a rough morning and ask them to tell you a funny story so you can laugh.
For some, it’s easy to say, “Ugh, I feel grumpy today, and I really dislike feeling grumpy. Better turn that frown upside down!” In an instant, the bad mood is changed to one that’s more positive. For others, it’s much more difficult. It takes a commitment, discipline and accountability to change from a pessimistic life view to an optimistic one. But it can be done if you so choose, and I suggest getting a life coach or an executive coach to help you through the process. Having someone who can help you put together a plan of action and hold you accountable will help you succeed.
If feeling happier and more content isn’t motivating enough, think about this: People with a better attitude are more likely to be promoted, get a bigger raise, be chosen to be on teams and are generally more successful. Performance begins with you, and if you want to perform better, you have to think better. Your mind is your most powerful tool (no, it isn’t your iPhone), and you use it so much more productively if it’s focused on finding solutions, making effective decisions, being a team player and exploring ways to grow and improve.
It’s time we all started being more accountable for how we show up every day, as the world is in desperate need of positivity, peace, productive problem solving and teamwork. Your attitude determines your ability to positively change your life and change the world. And your attitude has a profound effect on those around you. It’s 100 percent up to you how positive or negative that effect will be. What do you choose? How will you show up in the world?
For more information, contact Kerry Siggins at kerry.siggins@stoneagetools.com. To read her blog, visit kerrysiggins.com/blog.