“Think beyond your lifetime if you want to accomplish something truly worthwhile.” — Walt Disney
I have a deep admiration for Walt Disney and loved his approach and method of accomplishing his goals and dreams. He dared to dream big but learned to be daring a little bit at a time. He started with small goals. First, he built a studio in Kansas City, Missouri, then a bigger one in Hollywood, then a massive studio in Burbank, California, then a theme park in Anaheim and then an entire city in Florida. Walt learned to set his goals one step at a time using his imagination focused toward the future and having fun along the way.
Walt sometimes referred to his guiding principles as “secrets” to his success. The following are five ways to make your goals come true Walt Disney style:
1. Think tomorrow — Walt believed your actions of today support success for tomorrow. As a visionary leader, he didn’t let today’s activities and problems get in the way of effectively planning and creating his future. Walt knew the best way to predict the future was to create it.
Goal-setting tip — Set a goal in the future but act as if the goal has already happened. Set goals that are short term, midterm and long term. Think big and be flexible as you move closer to reaching your goals. Walt Disney World® was not built in a day so be patient as you make steady progress toward your goals.
2. Free the imagination — Walt believed people can accomplish far more than they think they can achieve. He believed in combining imagination and future orientation to eliminate the process of self-limitation. By thinking outside the usual, normal or expected, he was able to create amazing and wonderful things. In using the concept of no-limitation thinking, you have talents and abilities all the time that are needed to achieve any goal your heart desires.
Goal-setting tip — You have a tremendous amount of potential hidden within you and are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to and heart on. Imagine what you could have, be or do if you had no limitations? Set goals that will unleash your unlimited potential.
3. Strive for quality — Walt strived for quality in everything he created. He believed in quality at all costs. Walt always insisted on the best and spent a great deal of money to make things right. When he finished a movie, he’d invite the whole staff to view it. They’d offer their opinions. And if the reports were not good, he would order the team to go back and redo it. That’s why those old Disney® movies are classics today.
Goal-setting tip — This is your life so whatever you do, do it right and to the best of your ability. Set high-quality goals and make adjustments to create exactly what you desire.
4. Have “stick-to-it-ivity” — Walt created this term to describe his nature to persevere and refuse to quit in the face of adversity. Once Walt was committed to an idea, there was no stopping him. Too many people quit after the first, second, third or fourth failure.
Goal-setting tip — In goal setting, it is important to be patient with yourself and learn to accept the outcome of your choices and trust the universe that you are on the right path. We need commitment, perseverance and “stick-to-it-ivity” because often times obstacles stand between us and our dreams.
5. Have fun — Walt once said, “The way to make things work is not to worry.” Create goals that look fun and interesting. Too often stress and tension get in the way of creating and achieving our goals. The key is to lighten up and have fun with the process. Think of the guiding principles of Mickey Mouse. Mickey always has a perpetual smile, he is always optimistic; and he has a “can-do” spirit.
Goal-setting tip — Establish a goal-setting process that is playful, creative and fun. Set goals that are positive, optimistic and believable.
Walt Disney said, “A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.”
I wish you great joy in achieving and living all your Walt Disney style goals!
For more information, contact Scott Whitelaw at scott@scottwhitelaw.com or visit www.scottwhitelaw.com.