-LyondellBasell will kick off an olefins turnaround at its La Porte, Texas, facility late in the first quarter of this year, the company said in a statement on Friday. CEO Jim Gallogly said he expects strong margins in the North American olefins market due to the cost advantage provided by domestic natural gas liquids.
-Southcross Energy has begun work on a $125 million, 94-mile pipeline in the Eagle Ford shale in South Texas. The pipeline will stretch from Webb County to McMullen County, delivering gas to SouthCross’ fractionation facility in Corpus Christi.
-Via Reuters, the farm bill passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday eliminates subsidies for biofuel blending pumps in rural areas. The lack of subsidies would make it more difficult for the federal government to implement higher ethanol blends under the Renewable Fuel Standard.
-A diverse coalition that includes manufacturers and refiners has formed a new advocacy group designed to push back against the Obama Administration’s GHG regulatory agenda. The Partnership for a Better Energy Future will educate policymakers and the public on the impact proposed GHG emission regulations would have on energy affordability and reliability. The National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century energy are the co-chairs.