Turnarounds are planned shutdowns (total or partial) that happen periodically at a refinery process unit or plant. They are used to perform maintenance, overhaul and repair operations, and to inspect, test and replace process materials and equipment. Turnarounds often require an increased workforce that uses gas detection to avoid hazards including oxygen deficiency, combustible gases (typically displayed as LEL), carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and VOCs.
To meet this need, companies must decide whether to buy or rent portable gas detection equipment. Here are some options to consider.
Disposable detectors
There are some attractive, low-cost disposable gas detectors available on the market. Before purchasing disposable units, consider the tax factors and disposal costs. Purchasing gas detection equipment is considered a capital expense and must be treated as such at tax time. The entire expense of that purchase cannot be deducted during the year in which it was purchased. The capital costs are amortized or depreciated over the useful life of the piece of equipment. When it comes to disposal, the typical cost of a single gas monitor is upward of
$75. Batteries, boards and sensors must all be disposed of separately. This involves labor related to disassembly, collection and paperwork, as well as packaging costs and disposal fees.
Expanding your fleet
Another option is to purchase nondisposable gas detectors to be added to your typical fleet of gas detectors. In this case, companies assume responsibility internally for the maintenance of the instruments. Here are a few things to consider before purchasing extra gas detectors:
- Labor costs — Bump tests, calibrations and sensor replacements are some of the time-intensive maintenance tasks associated with portable gas monitors.
- Service training — Time and money are required to train employees on how to service the instruments.
- Purchasing parts — With a purchase comes the actual cost of parts and pieces, plus taxes.
Third-party maintenance
Another option is to purchase additional gas detectors for use in the turnaround, and then use a third party to perform the maintenance of those instruments. Here, too, are frequent and unforeseen costs:
- Third-party service fees — The costs of third-party servicing can be high.
- Parts — All parts and pieces associated with instrument repair must be purchased.
- Instrument downtime — When an instrument is being serviced, you are typically without the equipment for one week at a minimum.
Renting equipment
You may choose to rent gas detection equipment for your next turnaround and other short-term needs such as in outages, emergencies, special projects, etc. Not all gas detector rental programs offer the same benefits. Be sure to scope out the project and ask the right questions:
- When does the rental period start, and when does it end? Some rental companies start the clock the day the equipment leaves their facilities; others start it the day it is received.
- What is included with the gas detectors? E.g., if you are getting a monitor with a rechargeable battery, ask if the charger will be included.
- What gas detector accessories would be ideal for a given application? Ask the rental company about accessories that might make the job easier.
- Do I need to pay for sensors that fail while in use? Some rental companies make up the internal expenses of maintaining their rental fleet by charging customers for sensors that fail while in use, even if the sensors fail due to normal use.
- Are the monitors pre-calibrated? Ask to have calibration certificates provided with each rental unit.
There are many options to ensure an increased workforce during a shutdown is properly protected from hazardous gases. Renting gas detection equipment can be the most cost-effective and efficient way to keep workers safe. Consider the unseen costs of purchasing gas monitors versus renting them for short-term needs such as turnarounds.
For more information, contact Jason Wright at jwright@indsci.com or (800) DETECTS (338-3287), or visit www.indsci.com/rental.