The American Petroleum Institute (API) and a coalition of business groups have filed a lawsuit against the EPA over its recent tightening of ozone NAAQS standards. API said in a statement last week the Obama Administration “ignored science” when it released the new ozone standard of 70 parts per billion. API estimates the new rule could affect job growth in 958 U.S. counties, up from 217 counties under previous standards.
Some industry groups such as the Texas Chemical Council (TCC) believe the new standards could jeopardize billions of dollars in new industry projects. TCC President and CEO Hector Rivero said in this month’s issue of BIC Magazine projects will remain in limbo until the EPA clarifies how companies can obtain permits.
API noted that ground level ozone fell 18% between 2000 and 2013.
SEE ALSO: Court rules MATS will stay in place amid EPA review