Adding the practical experience piece in the worker training environment is a critical component that is often absent in similar programs.
The incumbent worker training program at the LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical, Energy and Technology (CPET) at San Jacinto College hosted a petrochemical training boot camp in October. The open-enrollment boot camp upskilled incumbent workers with immersive learning.
According to Jay Culver, CPET incumbent workforce director, "Engineering graduates often enter the workforce with a strong theoretical foundation but limited practical exposure. Our boot camp aims to fill this void by offering hands-on experience."
One company that chose to enroll a diverse group of sales and marketing representatives and engineers in the boot camp was REXA. REXA produces customer-specific actuators for several different industries, including O&G, fossil-fired power generation and renewable energy. Its products, services and consultancy enable its customers to optimize their process performance and successfully manage safety, reliability and environmental impact.
"We chose to bring the REXA team to CPET to further our knowledge and education around the petrochemical processes," said Kevin Murtha, REXA marketing events manager. "CPET has an outstanding reputation for providing top-notch education and hands-on training, which we plan to utilize when it comes to selling and consulting within the petrochemical market."
The CPET facility houses degree programs in process technology, instrumentation, electrical, inspection technology and environmental health and safety. The building’s 35 labs, in addition to the 8,000 square-foot exterior glycol process unit, are all utilized for degree programs and incumbent worker training based on the needs and desires of the industry.
Engineering graduates often enter the workforce with a strong theoretical foundation but limited practical exposure.
"I came in knowing little to nothing about petrochemical processes and left feeling informed and educated," said Murtha. "The facilities and labs at CPET are world-class and allow for the opportunity to interact and collaborate with various group members. All our instructors were engaged, informative and willing to field questions and discuss topics throughout the training."
Boot camp attendees can expect to:
- Learn from industry-leading professionals with a wealth of experience and knowledge. Instructors are experts in their fields, ensuring students receive top-tier education.
- Gain practical experience through interactive workshops. Get one’s hands dirty and apply learning in a supportive environment, enhancing problem-solving abilities.
- Connect with like-minded professionals, including salespeople, engineers and operators. Build relationships, exchange ideas and expand one’s professional network during the engaging activities.
- Upon completing the boot camp, participants will receive a prestigious certificate, validating one’s commitment to continuous improvement and professional growth.
For more information, visit, contact Jay Culver at (281) 476-1894 or email