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Industry connections: BIC Recruiting at 5th Annual BIC Alliance Fish Fry
Pictured left to right: Kristin Skendziel and Sara Bonvillian with BIC Recruiting say hello to Cara Saile with Sulzer Tower Field Services at the BIC Recruiting booth.
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Sara Bonvillian with BIC Recruiting (center) is joined by Greg Lamon (left) and Aaron Orsak with LGH.
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Kristin Skendziel with BIC Recruiting and Jessica Woodard with Industrial Tent Systems, a recent BIC Recruiting placement, catch up at the BIC Fish Fry.
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Sara Bonvillian and Kristin Skendziel with BIC Recruiting greet Mike Fuchsman with USA Industries at the BIC Recruiting booth.
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Pictured left to right: Cara Saile with Sulzer, Alyssa Hinte with BIC Recruiting, and Tina Tucker and Jamie Holt with Ohmstede catch up at the BIC Fish Fry.
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TJ John with Wilco Supply, Sara Bonvillian with BIC Recruiting and Shane Granelli with FS Solutions visit the BIC Recruiting booth.
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Kristin Skendziel, Sara Bonvillian and Alyssa Hinte with BIC Recruiting proudly stand in front of the BIC Recruiting booth.
During the recent 5th Annual BIC Alliance Fish Fry in Pasadena, Texas, attendees, including candidates and clients, had the opportunity to visit the BIC Recruiting booth for a friendly greeting.
The event was the ideal place to reconnect with previous placements and clients, while also meeting with existing hiring partners. BIC Recruiting is a full-service placement firm boasting two decades of expertise. It has specialized in providing executive search solutions to the energy industry. As a subsidiary of BIC Alliance, BIC Recruiting directly supports its parent company's mission: connecting people in business and industry with one another for the betterment of all.