Clean Harbors is North America’s leading provider of environmental, energy and industrial services. It offers the widest range of recycling, treatment and disposal options for refinery, chemical and industrial waste streams starting with on-site collection and management through transportation and disposal.
The entire process is supported by state-of-the-art waste handling facilities and well-maintained equipment that is operated by highly trained technicians. The company’s SafetyFirst! safety and health program delivers an industry-leading total recordable injury rate across its operations. Clean Harbors’ waste management capabilities and expertise support day-to-day production as well as turnarounds, remediation and construction projects.
The company handles hazardous and nonhazardous liquid, solid and sludge drum and bulk wastes as well as inorganic and organic aqueous wastewater. The company also provides a comprehensive, coordinated rail, road and marine waste transportation system that is designed to quickly, safely and effectively transport the largest volumes of waste. All of its operations, from on-site handling through transportation and disposal, are carried out in strict compliance with federal, state and provincial regulations, which minimizes customer liability and increases efficiency.
At the receiving end, Clean Harbors has more than 50 company-owned facilities representing the largest network of waste management facilities in North America. Its assets include five thermal treatment Resource Conservation and Recovery Act/Toxic Substances Control Act (RCRA/TSCA) incinerators that are capable of treating several hundred million pounds of waste per year utilizing fluidized bed, rotary kiln and liquid injection technologies.
Clean Harbors also has nine state-of-the-art RCRA/TSCA landfills with fully engineered liner and leachate collection systems that utilize direct disposal, chemical treatment, metals stabilization and macro/microencapsulation techniques.
The company also provides disposal for NORM and TENORM (technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material) wastes at its own fully permitted Subtitle C landfills.
In addition to disposal services, Clean Harbors offers a range of solvent materials recycling services as well as oil re-refining through Clean Harbors’ Safety-Kleen subsidiary, the largest re-refiner and recycler of used oil in North America. Solvent recovery includes a full range of solvent recycling options from traditional recycling to tolling. Tolling programs pro-vide a closed-loop cycle in which the customer’s spent solvents are recycled to its precise specifications and returned directly to the customer. Closed-loop oil re-refining removes contaminants and returns used oil as branded EcoPower engine oils that meet or exceed manufacturers’ specifications.
For more information on Clean Harbors’ transportation and disposal services, call (800) 444-4244 or visit