WALTHAM, Mass. — The Olympus NDT support team invites you to participate in a webinar series, titled “Introduction to Phased Array Inspection Using the OmniScan MX2,” which will occur throughout the fall and be conducted in Spanish. This webinar is a four-part series taking the participant through the basics of preparing a single group phased array inspection using the OmniScan MX2. The first part of the webinar took place in September. The second will be Oct. 17, the third on Nov. 14 and the fourth on Dec. 12.
The series is progressive and each part will lead into the next. Participants will be exposed to the OmniScan MX2 instrument, OmniPC for offline analysis, the NDT Setup Builder and Tomoview Software for analysis. Each successive webinar will start with a short review from the last section prior to continuing to the next step.
For more information, visit www.olympus-ims.com/en/webinar-calendar or call (781) 419-3900.