With the acquisition of the Reyco line of safety relief valves by ARI-Armaturen USA LP, the brand name has changed to ARI-Reyco. The name may have changed but the valve is the same. The ARI-Reyco valve provides a simplistic approach to the design of its valves. Whether an application requires a safety or relief valve, ARI-Reyco utilizes a reliable single-ring valve design. A major advantage of ARI-Reyco is all of the valves utilize the same huddling chamber parts for each orifice size. One reason ARI-Armaturen USA LP can provide such quick delivery on the ARI-Reyco valve is three of its major parts are all the same. ARI-Reyco doesn’t have a different trim for liquid and vapor and uses the same trim for all pressure ranges. ARI-Armaturen USA LP stocks thousands of the ARI-Reyco parts and the company’s simplistic design approach leads to faster delivery, saving the customer time and money. The 53,000-square-foot facility houses parts for everything from the small portables to T-Orifice valves allowing for quick delivery if required. ARI-Armaturen USA LP sells its products to valve service companies throughout the country, which means service facilities are always close.
The ARI-Reyco line comes directly from the Lonergan®* design so parts are interchangeable with existing Lonergan valves in service. And, with the parts in stock, the customer can get the valves back in service quickly. Typically with most manufacturers every valve size or pressure rating changes the disk and several other internals, but that’s not the case with the ARI-Reyco valve. From a distributor and assembler point of view, this means it is not necessary to stock a tremendous amount of inventory and parts. In addition, the staff at ARI-Armaturen USA LP is top-notch with more than 100 years of combined experience in the valve industry.
Why buy ARI-Reyco valves?
• Single trim for all services provides full capacity at 10-percent overpressure for liquid, steam or vapor applications.
• Reversible disc provides a spare part in every R-Series valve.
• Nozzle threads at top ensure better nozzle to body alignment and reduce maintenance effort.
• Disc retention by ring eliminates potential of thread corrosion and need for special maintenance tools.
• Standard Inconel® 625 LCF bellows offer better corrosion resistance and 316L stainless steel at no extra cost.
• Springs within a pressure class and orifice size are designed with a fixed inside diameter to eliminate the need to custom machine steps for each spring.
• Identical nozzle ring for each orifice size, regardless of pressure range or seat design, to reduce parts variation.
• In the soft seat option, the spring load is applied directly to the metal seat, increasing service life of the O-ring. The soft seat disc retains the metal seat on its reversible side.
• ASME Section VIII and Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) certified.
The ARI-Reyco line of direct spring acting pressure relief valves utilizes sound engineering principles and undergoes thorough testing and continuous quality control in manufacturing. These measures ensure ARI-Reyco valves deliver the precision, durability and value its customers expect and demand.
In addition to the safety relief valves, ARI-Armaturen USA LP also offers a full line of valves for isolation, safety, control and steam trapping making it your “one-stop shop” for all your valve needs.
*Lonergan® is a trademark of Pentair Valves and Controls. ARI-Armaturen is not licensed to use the Lonergan trademark.
For more information, visit www.ari-armaturenusa.com, email sales@ari-armaturenusa.com or call (713) 845-1500.