As a transportation, crane and rigging, and logistics company growing by leaps and bounds, Bengal serves an industry that has high expectations when it comes to safety. Bengal recently turned to BIC Recruiting for assistance in finding a professional safety director to take its business and services to the next level.
“We trust BIC with our advertising dollars and felt they were a great option for helping to recruit for an upper level management position,” said President John Austin. “BIC has a great presence and reputation in the industrial market. The more accurate you can be in describing your needs to BIC Recruiting, the better you will be served.”
Bengal was very clear and precise with BIC Recruiting on what it was looking for in a director of safety. BIC Recruiting took those needs and found Dustin Brown, who Bengal hired for the position.
“I enjoyed working with BIC Recruiting because they are connected to the best employers in the Gulf Coast,” Brown said. “They have great insight on the employment market right now and matched me perfectly to my new position.”
For details about current job openings available through BIC Recruiting services, visit
For more information on BIC Recruiting, call (281) 538-9996 or visit
For more information on Bengal, call (225) 677-3509 or visit