The Obama Administration today issued new rules for fracking on federal lands designed to enhance safety and environmental protection. Under the new rules, companies will be required to validate well integrity and the strength of cement barriers between the wellbore and water zones. They will be subject to stricter standards for interim storage of recovered waste fluids and will be required to submit more detailed geological information on preexisting wells to avoid cross-contamination.
Companies must also disclose the fracking chemicals they use on the industry website within 30 days of completing operations.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) said the new rules could slow the energy boom in the U.S. by adding costs and delays to energy projects.
“A duplicative layer of new federal regulation is unnecessary, and we urge the BLM to work carefully with the states to minimize costs and delays created by the new rule to ensure that public lands can still be a source of job creation and economic growth,” API Director of Upstream and Industry Operations Erik Milito said in a statement.
The new federal rules are similar to those that many states have already adopted.
MORE DRILLING & EXPORATION NEWS: PA governor to propose stricter fracking rules