HOUSTON — Corrosion professionals in North America and Europe have experienced another year of continued growth in career opportunities and salary levels, according to the 2015 Corrosion Career Survey conducted by Materials Performance magazine.
The survey includes data on average annual salary by job type, company function, NACE certification, education level, years of experience, years of NACE International Membership and hours worked per week. There is also a breakdown of annual salary averages by U.S. states, Canadian provinces and European countries. The full survey is available on the NACE Web site at nace.org/salarysurvey.aspx.
The average annual U.S. compensation including salary and bonuses is $113,734, an increase of 4.71 percent from 2014, but less than last year’s increase of 5.3 percent. In Canada, the average annual taxable income this year is CAN$121,538, a slight increase (0.88 percent) over last year’s average annual salary and less than the 11.4-percent increase experienced by Canadian respondents in 2014.
For more information and complete survey results, visit www.nace.org/salarysurvey.aspx or contact Kathy Larsen at (281) 228-6281.