DEER PARK, Texas — HydroChem was recently presented with the 2015 CPChem Contractor Safety Excellence Award from the Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. at the 5th Annual Contractor Safety Forum in The Woodlands. This is the fifth consecutive year HydroChem has been recognized for outstanding safety performance in CPChem’s facilities.
In order to be eligible for this distinction, HydroChem had to meet the following official criteria from Chevron Phillips:
- For a facility contractor, be at or below the 2014 CPChem Corporate-Wide Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) Safety Target for the award year; or,
- For a small project contractor, be at or below the 2014 Small Project Contractor TRIR Safety Target for the award year; and,
- Not have experienced a recordable injury/illness that resulted in medical treatment beyond first aid at a CPChem/affiliate facility or major capital project site.
For more information, visit or call (713) 393-5600.