CLIMAX | H&S Tool has teamed up with Maxpro Corp. in Philadelphia as a strategic partner. The partnership represents the full range of products, including CLIMAX portable machine tools, BORTECH bore welders, and H&S Tool pipe cutting and beveling products.
Maxpro is a specialist tool supplier to the industrial sectors in eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware. It will support CLIMAX | H&S Tool clients in their portable machining needs and help expand the use of CLIMAX | H&S Tool and BORTECH products throughout the region.
"Maxpro has been the Northeast's leading supplier of industrial torque and bolting equipment to the refinery, power and pipeline market for over 15 years," said Tom Macey, president of Maxpro. "The addition of CLIMAX | H&S Tool machining and beveling equipment to our company will allow our customers to now have quick access to these superior products."
For more information, visit or www.hstool. com, or call (800) 333-8311.