A winter storm that wreaked havoc on the eastern U.S. last weekend left more than one million customers without power, according to the Energy Information Administration. Despite fears the storm could cause outages at several East Coast and Midwest refiners, only PBF’s Delaware City, Delaware, was affected. PBF was working to restart the refinery as of Monday after shutting it down over the weekend due to a power failure.
Meanwhile, Duke Energy suffered the most among utilities, with nearly half a million customers in the Carolinas losing power. More than 2,000 were still without power as of Tuesday afternoon.
EIA said natural gas demand in storm-affected regions was slightly higher, but relatively stable compared to record highs experienced in some parts of the Northeast during a January 2014 cold snap.
MORE POWER GENERATION: Global energy demand to grow 25% by 2040, says ExxonMobil