Jerry Carter believes in leading by example. Perhaps the best way to do so is to move through the ranks at a company as he has done at SPIR STAR. BIC Magazine recently visited with Carter to discuss his journey and leadership.
Q: What led to your position at SPIR STAR?
A: I started in 1997 as a production employee soon after they decided to open operations in Houston. At that time it was a very small company so I had the opportunity to perform different tasks as well as my normal duties, which taught me a lot about all aspects of the business. I was promoted to supervise the production department, then to sales, then to sales manager and ultimately to my current position as vice president of sales and chief commercial officer. I believe my path is a good example to our employees that hard work and dedication to a company can be beneficial to a successful career.
Q: What is most important in leading your sales team?
A: I believe the two most important things any manager and leader can do are to lead by example and to listen to your employees. We have established a culture of providing excellent customer service, and if I expect our employees to always put the customer first then it is my responsibility to do that as well, no matter how busy and hectic things may be. In my opinion, putting the customer first is the most important factor of leading by example. The customer pays our salaries, not the company. Listening to the thoughts and ideas of your employees is also key. Much of our success is due to the ideas of our employees who work with our customers daily and not something passed down from management.
Q: What is your favorite sales approach/marketing tool?
A: We primarily use print media to market, which I believe is beneficial if done correctly as it can show the strength and longevity of your company to prospects and current customers when they repeatedly see your advertisements in industry publications. I believe in using strategic ad campaigns that drive home a particular message rather than random advertisements that simply state your company name and what products or services you offer. Ultimately, the most important marketing tool you can have is word of mouth and referrals. When you consistently provide your customers with a quality product and excellent customer service, they can become great sales people and an invaluable marketing tool for you.
Q: What keeps you motivated?
A: I stay motivated by the challenges my role in growing the company brings and the sense of accomplishment in meeting goals and making the company more successful. I strive to not become complacent in my duties and always look for future opportunities in regard to expanding our customer base, adding new products to our product line and diversifying into new markets. It can be very easy to become complacent and only focus on the day-to-day when business is good and things are going well, but I believe it is important to challenge yourself both personally and professionally. I have had the opportunity to see our company grow significantly over the years and to have the responsibility of continuing that growth in regards to sales and marketing is exciting, scary and motivating all in one.
Q: What type of clients mesh best with your style?
A: I enjoy working closely with those who are using our products in the field. I have always enjoyed the technical and hands-on aspect of selling our products. While I do not get to visit application sites as much anymore, I enjoy it when I do have the opportunity. I really enjoy building relationships with the customers from all of the different markets our products are used in.
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