David Frinsco and Michael Jeansonne founded The Turnaround Management Company in 1998 on many years of combined experience in managing turnarounds and capital projects. Since then, the company changed its name to WTMC (Worldwide Turnaround Management Company) and has enjoyed growth. BIC Magazine recently visited with Frinsco to learn more.
Q: What led you to start WTMC?
A: We were part of a corporate turnaround and projects group that serviced three refineries. A very lean staff and contractors made up the team of project controls and execution personnel as there was no contractor focused specifically on providing personnel to assist owners in the preparation and execution of turnarounds.
In the mid-90s, there was a shift on the operating company side to reduce overhead cost by contracting services such as plant maintenance, engineering and turnaround preparation. “Baby boomers” of retirement age were leaving the industry or taking early retirement packages. We saw a need to start the company to fill this void. The premise was 1) if the operating companies could get turnaround preparation and execution services from one company, and 2) if that company’s employees were paid a competitive rate and had a comprehensive benefit package, it would be easy to staff turnarounds with qualified people to fill the void and knowledge gap created from the ongoing “brain drain.”
Q: What is the biggest news at WTMC right now?
A: The growth and success of our WorkSmart program. One component of that is SmartStart, which allows us to incorporate our customers’ specific planning standards and processes into a training course delivered as part of the onboarding process prior to the employee reporting for the assignment. This means WTMC employees show up better prepared and ready to work. The other component is SmartTrack, which provides our account managers with a way to monitor and measure our employees’ progress pertaining to the work assigned to them. Reports from the system on employee progress can be shared with the customer as well.
Q: Why is WTMC successful?
A: We pride ourselves on holding to a set of core values. We use them daily to ensure we are doing the right thing for our customers, employees and company. These values — integrity, professionalism, accountability, teamwork, simplicity and diligence — are at the heart of why WTMC is successful.
Q: Are the ideals and culture of WTMC what you initially envisioned?
A: The best part about being involved in starting and growing a business is you get to build a culture that reflects your vision and values. It has always been our intention to provide services to our customers that make their jobs easier. We recognized early on our employees want to be part of something and experience the pride in working for a good company. We have been able to hire a home office team that shares our core values and works diligently to make our field employees feel like they are part of the company and not just a number.
Q: What is your biggest lesson learned?
A: “You don’t know what you don’t know.” And no matter how good or unique your products or services are, it all boils down to people and relationships. Business is all about genuine relationships built on value-driven principles, trust and honesty.
For more information, visit www.tamanagement.com or call (281) 461-9340.